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TC Energy Spin-Off: Key Details on the Creation of South Bow Corporation (TRP, SOBO)

The spin-off of TC Energy's Liquids Pipelines business into the newly-formed South Bow Corporation marks a significant transition for the company and its shareholders. This major corporate restructuring aims to unlock value by creating two independent, publicly-listed entities with distinct operational focuses. Let's dive into the transaction details, the strategic directions for both companies, and what shareholders need to know about this transition.

Transaction Overview: TC Energy’s Spin-Off of South Bow Corporation

In a move aimed at boosting operational efficiency and shareholder value, TC Energy has announced it will separate its Liquids Pipelines business into a new independent entity, South Bow Corporation. The decision was green-lit by shareholders on June 4, 2024, and the transaction is expected to be tax-free for both Canadian and U.S. shareholders.

South Bow Corporation will focus on liquids transportation and storage, specializing in the movement of crude oil from Canada to major refining markets in the U.S.

Key Dates to Mark on Your Calendar

TC Energy shareholders should be aware of the following key dates related to the spin-off:

  • Record Date: September 25, 2024 – Shareholders who own TC Energy stock on this date will be eligible to receive shares in South Bow.

  • Effective Date: October 1, 2024 – The official separation of South Bow from TC Energy will take place.

  • First day of trading for South Bow on TSX: October 2, 2024.

  • Expected first day of trading for South Bow on NYSE: Around October 7, 2024.

Shareholders will soon hold shares in two distinct companies, each with its own strategic path and growth potential.

Share Distribution: What Shareholders Will Receive

Here’s how shares will be distributed to existing TC Energy shareholders:

  • One new TC Energy share for each TC Energy share held.

  • 0.2 South Bow shares for each TC Energy share held.

This distribution ensures shareholders maintain their stake in TC Energy while gaining exposure to South Bow's new business focus.

Trading Information: What to Expect Between September and October

During the transition period, here’s what will happen with the trading of TC Energy and South Bow shares:

  • From September 25 to October 1, 2024, TC Energy shares will trade with “due bills” on the TSX and NYSE.

  • An “if, as, and when issued” trading market will be available for both TC Energy and South Bow shares on the TSX from September 25 to October 1, 2024.

  • Regular trading will resume for TC Energy on October 2, 2024, and for South Bow on October 7, 2024, on the NYSE.

This staggered approach ensures a smooth transition into the market for both companies.

South Bow Corporation: Focus and Strategic Direction

South Bow Corporation will be dedicated to the transportation and storage of crude oil. The new company will primarily focus on liquids transportation assets, moving crude oil from Canada to key U.S. markets such as the Midwest and Gulf Coast.

Key points of South Bow’s strategy include:

  • Maintaining financial strength with a conservative capital investment approach.

  • Focusing on stable cash flows from existing assets.

  • Reliable dividends to shareholders, leveraging its asset base to ensure consistent returns.

  • Targeting major crude oil markets in Illinois, Oklahoma, and the U.S. Gulf Coast.

By concentrating on crude oil transportation, South Bow is expected to be a leader in the liquids pipelines sector, aiming for efficiency and value creation.

TC Energy’s Post-Spin-Off Strategy

With South Bow taking over the Liquids Pipelines business, TC Energy will focus on its core areas of expertise: natural gas infrastructure and energy solutions.

Key elements of TC Energy’s strategy post-spin-off include:

  • Optimizing its natural gas operations for long-term growth.

  • Increasing focus on power generation and other energy solutions.

  • Pursuing sustained growth by enhancing operational efficiencies.

TC Energy aims to position itself as a leader in natural gas pipelines while maximizing shareholder value through a more streamlined business model.

Financial Implications of the Spin-Off

The spin-off will also have several financial implications for both companies, including:

  • Debt Allocation: South Bow will assume a portion of TC Energy’s long-term debt, ensuring that both companies begin life as independent entities with solid financial footing.

  • Investment-Grade Credit Ratings: Both TC Energy and South Bow are expected to retain investment-grade credit ratings, giving investors confidence in their financial stability.

  • Dividend Continuity: Shareholders can expect the combined dividends of TC Energy and South Bow to match TC Energy’s pre-spin-off dividend. Each company will declare its own dividends for the fourth quarter of 2024, providing consistency in shareholder returns.

Regulatory Approvals and Compliance

The spin-off has already received the necessary regulatory approvals to move forward:

  • Tax rulings from both the Canadian and U.S. tax authorities ensure that the transaction remains tax-free for shareholders.

  • Shareholder and court approvals have been obtained.

  • South Bow will file a Form 40-F with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to facilitate its listing on the NYSE.

Strategic Rationale Behind the Spin-Off

The decision to spin off the Liquids Pipelines business into South Bow Corporation is rooted in a clear strategic rationale:

  • Specialization: Each company will be able to focus on its core business, ensuring a more tailored approach to growth and operations.

    • South Bow: Concentrating on liquids pipelines and crude oil transportation.

    • TC Energy: Sharpening its focus on natural gas pipelines and broader energy solutions.

  • Capital Efficiency: Both companies will have greater flexibility to allocate capital efficiently and pursue independent growth objectives.

  • Shareholder Value: The spin-off is expected to unlock long-term shareholder value by allowing each company to operate more efficiently and with greater strategic focus.

Financial Independence and Future Outlook

Post spin-off, both companies will operate with separate financial structures and debt allocations. South Bow will take on a portion of TC Energy’s debt, but both companies are expected to maintain strong investment-grade credit profiles and continue delivering solid returns for investors.

Looking ahead, shareholders can expect both entities to be more agile and focused, with tailored strategies designed to unlock future growth and provide reliable returns.

Expected Market Transition

From September 25, 2024, South Bow shares will trade conditionally under an “if, as, and when issued” market on the TSX. Regular trading for both companies will begin on October 2, 2024, with South Bow expected to debut on the NYSE around October 7, 2024.

What the TC Energy Spin-Off Means for Shareholders

The spin-off of South Bow Corporation from TC Energy represents a pivotal moment for both companies and their shareholders. With specialized strategies in place, TC Energy will concentrate on natural gas and energy solutions, while South Bow will focus on liquids pipelines and crude oil transportation. This transaction is set to maximize shareholder value, maintain financial stability, and allow for tailored investment and growth strategies moving forward.

By separating into two distinct entities, both companies are well-positioned to thrive in their respective markets, delivering reliable dividends and long-term growth potential for their shareholders.



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